Great covering power with little weight is possible in fabrics composed of high-bulk yarns. 由高膨体纱织成的织物可以做到重量轻,复盖能力大。
Because of the low price of titanic glaze and the strong covering power of opacifying glaze, people have payed high attention to it. 由于钛釉价格低,制成的乳浊釉遮盖能力极强,已经受到了人们的高度重视。
Wide-angle lens: Lens with wide covering power. It has a focal length which is less than the diagonal of the film format with which it is being used. 广角镜头:覆盖范围广阔的镜头.它的焦距长度短于所用菲林格式的对角线长度。
A white powder used as a pigment for its high covering power and durability. 用作颜料的白色粉末,有极强的遮盖能力和耐久性。
Cyanide-free pre-immersion can improve covering power and throwing power as well as the adhesion strength of coating. 无氰预浸可提高镀液深镀能力与分散能力,及镀层结合力。
The influence of pH value, current density, temperature and agita-tion is studied. Its covering power, throwing power, deposition rate, corrosion resistance, solderability, ther-mal stability, adhesion and hardness are all determined. 研究了pH值,电流密度,温度和搅拌的影响,测定了分散能力、深镀能力,沉积速度,抗蚀性能、焊接性能,耐温性能,结合力和硬度。
The effect of ultrafine grinding of zirconium silicate on covering power of glaze 硅酸锆的超细粉碎及其对釉料遮盖力的影响
Study on the covering power of positive and negative images in diffusion transfer process 扩散转移过程正负影像覆盖力的研究
The corrosion resistance of deposits and covering power of the plating bath were tested respectively by neutral salt spray test and inner-pole method, and the hardness of deposits was also measured. 采用中性盐雾试验测定了镀层的耐蚀性,采用内孔法测定了镀液的覆盖能力,并测定了镀层的硬度。
Such as enabling the face to dry in a short time, high covering power and good heat resistance. 该涂料与国内同类产品比较,具有表干时间短、遮盖力高、耐热性好等特点。
In this paper the covering power of the positive and negative images was determined. It was found that the covering power of the positive image is 3-10 times higher than that of the negative. 本文测定了银盐扩散转移过程正负影像的覆盖力,测定结果表明,正像比负像覆盖力大3&10倍。
Study is made of the nature of colloid palladium, the process of recovery of metal Pd from waste colloid palladium solution and also the effect of dye on the covering power and deep-coating power of the acid coppering solution experiment. 对印制电路板孔金属化所用胶体钯的性质、从废胶体钯溶液中回收金属Pd的工艺方法及染料对酸性镀铜液的均镀能力和深镀能力的影响等进行了研究。
And the covering power is seen to depend greatly on the density. With increasing density, the covering power diminishes exponentially. 覆盖力在很大程度上依赖于密度,随着密度的增大,覆盖力以指数形式下降。
The covering power efficiency and light absorption characteristics of dye images 染料影像的遮盖效率与吸光特性
The deposits obtained by the process has satisfactory appearance, corrosion resistance and hardness, and the plating bath has advantages of high covering power and current efficiency. 该工艺得到的镀层外观漂亮,防腐性和硬度较好,镀液覆盖能力强,电流效率高。
The practice proves that the three key points i.e. anode solubility, ability to prevent chemical replacement and covering power for the new process can meet the demand of continuous production in batches. Cyanide strike copper plating process can be replaced by the new process completely. 实践证明,该工艺在阳极溶解性、防化学置换及深镀能力这3个关键环节上达到大批量连续化生产的要求,完全可取代氰化预镀铜工艺。
Iron oxide red is an excellent pigment, which has fine qualities such as covering power, coloring power, heat resistance, resistance to solvent, acid fastness, innocuity and anti-rust. 氧化铁红具有良好的颜色遮盖力、着色力、耐热、耐溶剂、耐酸性、无毒、防锈等性能,是优质的颜料品种。
Exploration and application of surface treatment process for outer covering of power capacitor 电力电容器外壳表面涂装工艺的研究与应用
The tests of thermal shock, covering power and adhesion prove that no bad influence of stopping blast gas on the deposit properties were observed. 对该镀层进行的热冲击、深镀能力和附着力实验表明,关闭鼓气并不影响镀层性能。
The results indicate that the CO32-has an important action on stability of the plating solution, dissolution of anode, polarization of cathode and throwing and covering power of solution. 结果表明,CO3~(2-)对于镀液的稳定、锌阳极的溶解以及镀液的阴极极化、分散能力和深镀能力的改善都起了重要作用,是镀液中不可缺少的主要络合剂之一。
This article discussed preliminarily the factors to influence the particle shape, dimensions and distribution of particle size by analyzing and studying TEM pictures of pigment particles, and discussed the factors to influence characteristics such as specific surface area, oil absorption, covering power and so on. 通过对颜料粒子TEM照片的分析研究,初步探讨了影响颜料粒子形状和粒度大小及分布的因素,以及影响颜料比表面积、吸油量、遮盖力等性能的因素。
Results show that the chrome plating bath using this additive has a higher current efficiency at lower temperature compared with that of standard chrome plating bath, and the throwing power, covering power and corrosion resistance are improved apparently. 结果表明,与标准镀液相比,使用该添加剂后,可以在较低温度下得到更高的电流效率,而且镀铬液的分散能力、覆盖能力以及耐腐蚀性能都得到明显提高。
The deposit appearance, deposition rate, throwing power and covering power of the process were tested and compared with those of one overseas known kindred process. 对镀层外观、沉积速度及镀液分散能力与覆盖能力进行了测试,并与国外某知名品牌的工艺进行了比较。
Study on the improvement of covering power by using internal fogged AgX emulsion 关于内灰化卤化银乳剂提高感光材料遮盖率的研究
Experimental results showed that the solution of Ni-Fe alloy foil electrolyte had good stability, covering power and throwing power. 经实验表明,Ni-Fe合金箔电解液的稳定性较好,电解液的均镀能力、深度能力均较高。